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Unique marketing strategies on brand and on the money

We follow a comprehensive process that includes:

+ Site visitation and audit of your current situation
+ Detailed consultation with all stakeholders
+ SWOT analysis prioritising key issues
+ Strategic brand direction

Our detailed Marketing Plan covers:

+ An advertising strategy and proposed schedule
+ Brand development and management
+ Events and promotional strategies
+ Media relations and publicity
+ Digital and social media strategy
+ Retailer communications
+ A marketing budget

We place great importance on fully understanding your situation and your needs.

Post Office Square

Strictlymarketing created a campaign for this unique shopping precinct in the CBD. After undergoing a major redevelopment Post Office Square, somewhat hampered by its ‘hidden’ position, were looking to establish themselves as the go-to for office workers. Our campaign, based on the “Good Food Fast” promise helped retailers increase market share.

Meadowbrook Shopping Centre

With the establishment of a weekly market, we helped Meadowbrook increase its traffic substantially while also creating a more community minded presence.


  • Business planning
  • Developing and implementation of marketing plans
  • Developing marketing and basic business procedures
  • Social media strategies
  • Sponsorship development and management


  • Comprehensive retail property audits
  • Mystery Shopper audits
  • Retail training and development strategies


  • Facilitation of Retail Surveys and Focus Groups